Jason Hassrick, Ph.D.
Jason conducts applied research for water resource management in West Coast rivers and estuaries. He’s particularly interested in understanding how life histories and demographics of species can inform management actions.
Jason studies how animals move through their natural habitats using forms of animal telemetry and harnesses trawling techniques to investigate the distribution of organisms. Previously a federal agency scientist for the Bureau of Reclamation on delta smelt during a prolonged drought, Jason worked with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries on outmigration survival of winter-run Chinook salmon.
In his role, Jason partners non-profit and university research groups from the North Pacific, East Africa, and South America focusing on climate adaptation and biotelemetry.
Ph.D., Ecology and Evolution, University of California, Santa Cruz
M.S., Biology, Sonoma State University
B.A., Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Grimaldo, L., Burns, J., Miller, R.E., Kalmbach, A., Smith, A., Hassrick, J., and Brennan, C. (2020). Forage fish larvae distribution and habitat use during contrasting years of low and high freshwater flow in the San Francisco Estuary. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science.
- Zeug, S., Beakes, M., Wiesenfeld, J., Greenwood, M., Grimaldo, L., Hassrick, J., Collins, A., Acuña, S., and Johnston, M. (2020). Experimental quantification of piscivore density and habitat effects on survival of juvenile Chinook salmon in a tidal freshwater estuary. Estuaries and Coasts.
- Maxwell, S. et al. (2013). Cumulative human impacts on marine predators. Nature Communications.
Hayes, S., Ammann, A., Harding, J., Hassrick, J., deWitt, L., and Morgan, C. (2016). observations of steelhead in the California Current lead to a marine-based hypothesis for the “half-pounder” life history, with climate change implications for anadromy. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin.
- Hassrick, J., Henderson, M.J., Huff, D., Sydeman, W., Sabal, M., Harding, J., Ammann, A., Crandall, E., Bjorkstedt, E., Garza, J., and Hayes, S. (2016). Early ocean distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon in an upwelling ecosystem. Fisheries Oceanography.
- Wilder, R., Hassrick, J., Grimaldo, L., Greenwood, M., Acuña, S., Burns, J., Maniscalco, D., Crain, P., and Hung, T.C. (2016). Feasibility of passive integrated transponder and acoustic tagging for endangered adult delta smelt. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.